Tuesday, February 27, 2007

love of things british

movie review pt. 2- i saw Amazing Grace last night and i was deeply impressed with this film. impressive writing, acting, directing, writing, oh, and did i say writing? i love british wit! i love the characters of wilberforce and of pitt as portrayed in the movie. to take a stand against slavery during its height and to risk everything to do it.... what remarkable fortitude and perseverance. wilberforce's faith was inspiring too. the movie evidentally just barely scrapes the surface of how deep his faith was and how much God had changed him.
i learned last night from Mrs. T that it was the clapham sect, a group of dedicated evangelicals, that gathered around these men to end slavery. i admire their lives and their causes. they did much to change british policy, foreign policy, rule in india, missions, education, poverty, child labor, etc. they were writers, scholars, businessmen, bankers, clergy. (fun facts: one of the men was the grandfather of florence nightingale and another the great grandfather of e.m. forster). they sacrificed money and health. they took a stand against injustice. and they changed their world for the glory of God.

the movie and the lives of these men and women made quite an impression on me. i have had life goals for a while but not to the point or purposefully defined. they, wilberforce and the clapham sect, inspired me. i know it is a broad statement but it gets to the heart of my call: to see lives changed for the glory of God.

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