Friday, April 13, 2007

17 days until the british invasion

I have been living in the same sweet house for almost 3 years now. this breaks a major cycle in my life of moving every two years. believe me, i have had some difficulties hanging around. there is this deep seeded wanderlust in my bones that cries out for the next adventure. i was "this close" to going back to denton to complete my degree there. i mentioned it to my mom and we had a nice long chat about it. she helped me weigh all the vices and not-so-vices. and we came to the conclusion that it takes much effort to build a good community base. i have invested 5 years at the same church, and have been a part of the church in some way or another for 7. attempting to re-create intimacy that comes with experience and longevity is something that from appearances would take much effort. (i will add that the intimacy is not at the levels I hope for but I will continue to hope) And my reason for desiring to go is that 1. wanted to finish what I started and 2. trying to imagine wrangling up the EIGHT transcripts I would have to in order to graduate from somewheres down here. I also have an excellent job here in austin, another major bonus considering what I have been through with jobs. All to say, I am staying put..... for now. (There is one lady from my church that has asked me if I will still be around in August!)

So, in breaking a 17 year tradition, little old cullen avenue remains "home". And in 17 days, the "world" comes my way in the form of a very kind British woman who will room with me for a short while.

And, if nothing major happens in the next 2 years (ie. marriage or ministry opportunity here or school) then I plan to head south for the border and fulfill a life-long desire of serving Christ in a Spanish speaking community. casa, dolce casa?

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