Ulitsa Zodchego Rossi
St. Petersburg, Russia has the perfect street, the street of ideal proportions, perfectly measured, just perfect. In fact, one travel guide suggested that it was an incomparable opportunity to experience harmony. It has identical buildings on either side, same width, same height. The street is even perfectly symmetrical to the height and width of the buildings. When something is perfect, it is flawless, ideal, complete, whole, finished, polished, model, free of defects, blameless, without blemish.
HOAs exist to enforce and manage neighborhoods and yards, ensure everyone uses the same hose, cuts their grass at 3 inches, only plants crepe myrtles and mountain laurels, never puts pink flamingos or garden gnomes in the cultivated landscaping. And to the family that puts a pear tree in the front yard, watch out. You'll probably be asked to cut it down. Everyone else put in the standard silver maple creating the ideal housing development.
All is not perfect in our yard. Gotta say I prefer imperfections. I like funky flamingos.

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