Thursday, May 7, 2009

the do's and don'ts of life in stressful, busy times

guidelines for managing stress when everything feels out of control and all you want to do is grind your teeth and growl


  • don't pull out your hair. it's not good for you. it will only make you feel worse.
  • don't ram the car in front of you even though they cut you off/broke the law/almost hit you. not. a. good. idea.
  • don't eat a pint of rocky road. the almonds will get in your teeth and annoy you and the marshmallows might cause bloating.
  • don't kick or punch a wall. bruised toe only more frustrating.
  • don't take it out on the barista. yeah, he may have steamed the milk in your iced non fat latte, but he's just a boy.
  • don't eat those cute little burgers for fun. as my boyfriend says, they're called sliders for a reason.
  • don't watch a sad sentimental movie. you'll just start crying and weeping and reminiscing and blowing your nose and hear yourself saying, "remember when?"
  • don't hit anyone. or bite. or kick. (you're no longer 2 years old, unless my niece is reading this!)

  • do brush your hair (you'll thank me later.)
  • do beat on your horn and scream in the car. that... is a better choice.
  • do eat ice cream. just not a pint (oh, college days when i could eat a pint and still look like i never ate)
  • do hit or kick something soft (like a pillow. or a boxing bag. just not a barista.)
  • do tell your barista to have a nice day. and until life is less stressful, get your drink from a different barista if the first barista doesn't learn how to make a simple iced non fat latte.
  • do eat something else cute besides those little burgers. flautas can be cute. black beans are pretty darn cute. nothing is cuter than a petite salad with some scored cucumbers and itty bitty grape tomatoes.
  • do watch something that inspires a little action. one roommate and i watched alias together; i was very inspired to learn kung fu. my current roommate and i watch lost. it's nice to get a little "lost" once in a while. i'm always inspired afterward to go take a shower and change clothes. (do they ever get to change clothes? i totally want to brush evangeline lily's hair.)
  • do kiss someone (preferably someone you know. and that you know well. and that you usually kiss.) hugs go over great.

1 comment:

ceciliabrie said...

AMEN. Especially about the kissing part.