Tuesday, July 31, 2007

a "half" birthday

when my siblings and i were young whipper snappers we had a family tradition of the half birthday. since my parents had mother's day and father's day as well as birthdays, we asked for another excuse to celebrate, and my parents came up with the half birthday. we would have 1/2 of a cake and we could choose the meal and we were allowed to have one friend over. we would usually go somewhere, most likely hiking or camping.

today is my half birthday and i am thinking over the things I am truly thankful for through this trying, bizzare but fruitful summer. 1. i have a working car. i had thought and dreamt about my ideal vehicle-- a silver honda hybrid or hoping for subaru to introduce their own hybrid. silly me. i have a vehicle to drive, and i try to endear its crumpled hood as an ironic reminder that that God takes care of me. 2. i have a compassionate, good doctor who has helped me heal (dr. garrett bary if you are in the market for a chiropractor/acupunturist). 3. i have renewed friendships, friends who know me well, have supported me over the years, and hopefully who i have supported and loved as well. 4. through these lovely ladies i have found a love and appreciation for swimming again. swimming has helped not only my body heal and get stronger and healthy again but through it the Lord has revealed to me several things as i talk to him in the water and as we (deborah and carla) talk and pray together. 4. literature and art i cannot live without. they teach and reveal unknown beauty. 5. that my father is healthy and healing. 6. hope for what lies ahead.

maybe i'll go eat at gueros and find a half a piece of half-birthday cake. and no, revealing my age is no longer acceptable even though it is just a half birthday.

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