Wednesday, May 7, 2008

new song, same verse

this morning i woke up at 5:30 with an original song, lyrics and melody, and i failed to write it down. silly me. it was a bluesy tune that stirred my heart reaallly early; i wasn't quite ready to get up yet. it was a bit of the cry of my heart in the vain of ruth. ruth's words to naomi are ones that have been written on my heart. ruth's servant heart, the way she loves, the way she puts aside pride to walk in obedience, impresses me, makes me want to reflect and emanate her character.

marketa irglova, a 19 year old independent Czech musician, and glen hansard are the two musicians who wrote thebeautiful music for the movie ONCE and acted/performed in the movie. the movie, about love and love lost, was one of the best modern musicals i have seen because of the original music. these two artists from different cultures infused their talents and influences bringing a new and fresh voice to a universal subject. each song captures in its melody a lifetime of emtion concerning love. the lyrics to the song i've posted aren't the best; but the musicality and the cinematography speak louder than words in a haunting illustration of what a heart cries.

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