Tuesday, January 5, 2010

just do it, already.

trying to write right now is so difficult. i think a true artist writes through the busy times, the difficult times, the pain, the sorrow. most classic writers had full time jobs and wrote when they returned home. editing and transcribing took place by candlelight after the chores were finished and the kids were in bed. george macdonald, a favorite of mine, wrote through the loss of a child.

right now is not difficult or painful. there is joy. there is excitement. but there is so much to do. planning your own wedding is a job in itself, one i am not made for. i'm trying to remember to breathe. forgetting to go exercise because there are errands to run. i do have an incredible fiance who has done so much for our wedding. but at the end of the day, there are multiple tasks that i haven't accomplished, there is an apartment to pack, two households to combine, a reception to plan out detail by detail. elopement sounds wonderful though my parents will kill me. i am thrilled to be marrying this man. i am overjoyed i get a wedding.

i haven't learned yet the balance of handling this huge thing and to stop and create, to do what i made to do. to remember to look in his face and smile, to be playful. to be quiet, to be still in the middle of this thing called an American wedding. to not take on worrying about the fact that someone is going to have to clean the church after the wedding and take down the decorations, that someone is going to have to take the leftovers and pack them up. to take time to look in HIS face and remember what all of this is about- our desire to honor our Heavenly King.

2010 challenge- i'm beginning this year in an incredibly busy season of my life, and really soon, our life. i've got to start living and doing right now. to live the writing life, to create art, to swim, to study, to learn, to make quiet time, to be alone with God, while i'm working out the largest event of our lives. the challenge- in the words of the simplistic but true nike slogan (with my own twist) "just do it, already."

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